Project NightBrawler
Gamepad (Recommended) | Keyboard | |
Move | Left / Right on D-Pad or Analog | Left / Right Arrows |
Attack | X (Xbox Controller) | Z |
Jump | B | X |
Teleport | A | C |
Grapple | Y | V |
Dash | Double tap Move | Double tap Move |
Shoulder Tackle | Press & hold Attack | Press & hold Attack |
Upper Cut | Up + Attack | Up + Attack |
Bounce Kick | Down + Attack | Down + Attack |
Reset Game | Press & hold R1 / Right Bumper | Press & hold R |
A janky, early, but fun prototype. It combines teleportation with beat-em-up combat. I’m hoping to get some attention on the gameplay, so that I can fund and develop a more polished, exciting pitch. Art is not my strong suit, but you need great art to spark interest, even at this early stage.
A superhero origin story, set against the backdrop of the protests, riots, and pandemic of summer 2020. In the form of beat-em-up. With teleportation.
The biggest thing is animation. I bought a great asset, and even chopped and twisted it to my needs, but one thing I can’t find for the life of me are grapples. And I have a lot of grapples planned…
So you know how beat-em-ups typically have a slight wrestling influence? A German suplex, a jumping pile driver, the random boss fight in a wrestling ring? I plan on dialing that up well past 11, and combining it with the already fun and established teleportation mechanics. Air to air grapples, so you can catch an enemy off a wall bounce with a Diamond Cutter. Fundamental moves like the Irish whip, so you can whip the opponent across the screen, teleport, and meet them on the other side with a lariat. Running grapples, launch grapples, grapples that can be teleport canceled, solo-tag team moves, the list goes on.
Help could be in almost any form:
- Sharing - If you know someone that would like to play this, pass it on
- Connections - If you are interested in working on this, please contact me. Especially if you are an animator with an interest in wrestling
- Feedback - How could it improve? What would you like to see?
- Donations - Any donations that this gets will of course go toward producing the next build
- Investment - If you are interested and providing more funding, well yeah, please contact me
- Encouragement - No, really! Everything helps, and I’m only here right now asking for help because I’ve already received a lot of attention on this particular project. It really helps!
My goal is to create something between this and a full on vertical slice to get more serious publishers interested in funding and marketing. Professional, bespoke art for the characters and environment are essential, as are sfx and music to convey the theme and attitude of the game.
- Revamped Art
- New Hero Model
- 3 distinct enemy models
- Full Hero animation set
- Enemy hit reactions
- An actual environment, professionally designed and created
- In game HUD art
- Placeholder Menus
- Music
- A vertical slice of gameplay
- Challenging but fair, clearly defined AI combat
- Beginning, Start, and End, with a Boss Fight

If you have questions or want to get into contact regarding this project, feel free to contact me via
Email: garrettkbrown at gmail dot com
Twitter: @snarge
Here: Please drop a comment and let me know what you think, I'll be checking!
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I really like this, this could be a really good fight, it has potential to even become a puzzle platformer with some fighting if you wanted!
Yeah, I definitely have some teleporting puzzles & light platforming planned. It kinda writes itself with this game. I think I'd aim for lighter than Guacamelee, but with the same feeling.
I really enjoyed this early prototype. I found your work from twitter which I found from your Breaktory game. I don't have specific feedback besides just to say the core concept is fun and definitely has lots of space to be explored. It reminds me of a beatemup dragonball fighter z.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it, and that's good company to be in (Dragonball)